(DIjta' Vera T'Ntal Groth)

paQDI'norgh tIQ 'oH paqvam 'e'.

DuHbe' 'u' mIw DelmeH Qu' 'e' maq
'ach mIwvam Del.

wa' wo' lumojpa' China Sepmey tIQ,
paqvam qonlu'.  

Lao Tzu
(Laozi) 'oH qonwI' pong'e'
'e' maq China lurDech.

SIghqu' paqvam:
wo'vam nugh, lurDech, qechmey, lalDan,
QI' mIwmey, tonSaw' je SIgh.


pIn'a' qan paQDI'norgh

Tao Te Ching


mIw'a'na'  'oHbe'  mIw'a'Hey'e'  DamaqlaHbogh.
The Tao you can tell is not the true Tao.

('ay'  1 / Chap. 1)


'IHlaw'  'IHwI', moHwI'  tu'lu'mo'.
QaQlaw'  QaQwI', mIghwI'  tu'lu'mo'.
Beauty seems beautiful because there is ugliness.
Goodness seems good because there is wickedness.

('ay'  2 / Chap. 2)


rInDI'  Qu'lIj yItlheD.
'u'  mIw 'oH mIwvam'e'.
Withdraw when your work is done.
This is the way of heaven.
('ay'  9 / Chap. 9)


vay'  lughajmo'  Doch lo'laH,
vay'  luHutlhmo', lI'.
[T]hings are valuable because of what they have
And they are useful because of what they lack.
('ay'  11 / Chap. 11)


mu'mey law'  jatlhbe'  DevwI'  nIv.
The best leader is sparing in his use of words.
('ay'  17 /Chap. 17)


DevwI'  nIv'e', chaH lutu'lu'  'e' neH luSov nuvpu'.
Of the best leaders people barely know they exists.
('ay'  17 /Chap. 17)

vallu'  'ej HaDlu'  net taghDI'
tojwI''a'  lutu'lu'.
When cleverness and learning arise
There is great duplicity.
('ay'  18 / Chap. 18)

bIHaD 'e'  Damevchugh, vaj bISotbe'
Give up studying and you will have no distress.
('ay'  20 / Chap. 20)

vangHa'Qo'  mIw'a'  nuv.
The person of Tao won’t engage in pointless pursuits.
('ay'  24 /Chap. 24)

'ughHa'ghach QutlhwI'  'oH tISHa'ghach'e'.
Do che'wI'  'oH jottaHghach'e'.
Being solid is the foundation of lightness.
Being calm is the ruler of haste.
('ay'  26 / Chap. 26)


maQmIgh bIH nuH'e'.
valwI'  jan bIHbe'.
Weapons are the portents of evil.
Not the tools of the wise.
('ay'  31 /Chap. 31)


vay'  DalumoH DaneHchugh DanumnIS.
If you wish to make something fall, you have to promote it.
('ay'  36 /Chap. 36)


bIQ'a'vo'  ghotI'  lunge'be'nISlu'.
Fish should not be taken away from the ocean.
('ay'  36 /Chap. 36)


'oH nuSbe'lu'chugh
mIw'a'na'  'oHbe'  mIw'a''e'.
Were it not laughed at,
Tao would not be what it is.
('ay'  41 / Chap. 41)


rut malujpu'mo’  maQap.
'ej rut maQappu'mo’  maluj.
[S]ometimes by losing we gain.
And sometimes by gaining we lose.
('ay'  42 / Chap. 42)

tlhoy DaSaHchugh bIbechbej.
If you care to a fault you will certainly suffer.
('ay'  44 / Chap. 44)

ru'Ha'choHbe'  jIvHa'wI'  qech.
The sage does not have fixed ideas.
('ay'  49 / Chap. 49)


ngeD mIw'a'  pabmeH Qu'.
Tao is easy to follow.
('ay'  53 /Chap. 53)


mIw'a'  pabHa'chugh vay’  tugh Sab.
What goes against Tao soon declines.
('ay'  55 / Chap. 55)


wo'  Dache'meH mIw motlh yIlo'.
noH DaQapmeH mIw le'  yIlo'.
To govern the state resort to what’s regular.
To win a war resort to what’s unusual.
('ay'  57 /Chap. 57)


law'choHtaHchugh chutmey,
law'choH je HeSwI'pu'.
The more numerous the laws,
The more criminals there are.
('ay'  57 / Chap. 57)


'ongchugh qum 'ej nISchugh
ngoj nuvpu'  'ej chepHa'.
When the government is shrewd and meddlesome
The people are restless and poor.
('ay'  58 / Chap. 58)

Sep tIn Dache'meH

ghotI'  mach vutmeH mIw yIlo'.
Rule a big country
The way youd cook a small fish.
('ay'  60 / Chap. 60)


yIruch 'ach yIvangQo'.
yIvum 'ach yInISQo'.
Act without taking action.
Be busy without busy-ness.
('ay'  63 /Chap. 63)


taghpa'  wanI', tIqaD.
Confront the events before they begin.
('ay'  64 / Chap. 64)


jagh Hutlhlu'chugh pagh qab law'  Qughvam qab puS.
There is no worse disaster than to have no enemy.
('ay'  69 /Chap. 69)

ralbe'  mang nIv.
Qay'choHbe'  SuvwI'  nIv.
'  charghwI'  nIv.
'  ghatlhbe'  pIn nIv.
The best soldier is not violent.
The best fighter does not fly into rage.
The best winner does not engage the opponent.
The best employer does not put himself above others.
('ay'  68 / Chap. 68)


Hegh luHajbe'chugh nuv.
lubuQlu'meH lI'Ha'.
If people have no fear of death
It’s pointless to threaten them with it.
('ay'  74 / Chap. 74)




paq chovnatlh vImughta'bogh lungev Dat-De'-Dol malja'meyvam:

paqwIjmo'  jIHem